We need your cooperation on each of the following so we can Race. THANK YOU!
for photos
- All support persons and spectators must also abide by guidelines set forth
- You MUST wear a mask if 6 feet social distancing is not possible, when you are not racing
- You do not need to wear a mask when you are racing
- You MUST register online in advance
- If you have a fever or have any Covid 19 symptoms, please do not attend
- Awards: we will not have an official awards ceremony, awards may be
for photos
- Come prepared, there will NOT be any Feed Zones, Nutrition will be in the venue area!
- There will be NO hand shaking, high fives, elbow bumps, hugs, etc Please keep contact to a minimum
- All participants must keep 6 ft. distance when in the venue area, to include check in, waiting in the pit area, racer exchange, and general milling around.
- Race refunds will be provided in the case that events are cancelled
- Race Starts for Enduro will be as follows:
- Mandatory racer meeting at 9:30am
- Categories will be released by category starting at 10am.
- While waiting and at the racer meeting, please be courteous and respectful. Keep your distance and wear a mask.
- All categories will be called into to the start area separately with given timelines
- Masks will be worn until 1 minute prior to race start
- Racers will proceed to the appropriate start stage once released from the venue, All categories will be told when and where they are to be released by the race organizer at the racer meeting.